About us

We bring people together by eliminating language barriers across the world.

Logic Translations is a global translation agency. We operate internationally, offering our translation services to businesses as well as private individuals. We have been active as translation company for many years now, offering our clients translations services from and to all existing languages. We have a large team of translators so we can cover all fields of expertise. Besides the simple translations, we offer certified and sworn translations for official documents. Thanks to our experience we have built over the years, we can also advise you on the necessary steps to take for the translation of official documents, since the requirements can vary per country and institution. Over the years, we have built a dedicated team of professional translators with a variety of skills and knowledge. Whatever service you need, we aim to give you the best quality for the best price. Since we have a large team of translators, we can also always offer a fast turnaround for your translation project.
If you have any questions about our translation service for a specific project, you can easily contact us or request a free quote on the website.